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Webinar: Resilience of Aotearoa New Zealand’s Built Environment

An overview of our research to build resilience across New Zealand's vertical infrastructure (buildings) and horizontal infrastructure (utility networks).

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Our built environment, including buildings and infrastructure networks, plays a significant role in our resilience to natural hazard events. This starts with the protection of lives during an event, and extends through to the rate at which buildings and infrastructure can return to full functionality.

The Resilience Challenge Built Environment programme is focusing on better understanding the performance of infrastructure components and networks under various natural hazards; improving our approaches to design, assessment and repair; and developing new approaches to inform decision-making and investment.

This presentation provides an overview of the research in the Built Environment programme across vertical infrastructure (buildings) and horizontal infrastructure (networks). Co-leaders Liam Wotherspoon and Tim Sullivan highlight outcomes so far from a few key research projects, and summarise next steps and opportunities for future collaboration.

Webinar Speakers

Liam Wotherspoon

The University of Auckland

Liam is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Auckland. He is involved in engineering research across a range of natural hazards, with a particular focus on Aotearoa New Zealand’s infrastructure networks.

Tim Sullivan

University of Canterbury

Tim is a Professor in the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering at the University of Canterbury. Tim's research interests lie mainly in the examination of the fundamentals of seismic design, assessment and retrofit, considering both structural and non-structural elements, as well as bridges.

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